This page shows the variety of my composing and production work. I also invite you to further explore the entire site using the menu links above.

Solo Recordings

See You Next Time is written for guitars, piano, drums and various analog synthesizers. I performed, recorded, and mixed all of the music in my studio. Estateside Sketches is a track from my album The Beast.

Film Scoring

I scored Lana Wilson’s documentary film The Departure. Here is the trailer.


“Last Words” is a song I wrote and produced with my band Hospitality. I perform many of the instruments on the recording including piano, guitar, drums, and synthesizers. My bandmate (and wife!), Amber, is lead vocalist.

Advertising Work

Here are two examples of my work for advertising: Nike Be Better and a Delta advertisement for the Winter Olympics that features an orchestral score.

Modular Synthesizer

GIF is an example of my modular synthesizer work.

Video and Live Performance

I have recently been creating non-narrative video. An excerpt from Trillion Dime is below. I perform the score live with an electric guitar, e-bow, and loop pedal.

Concert Music

I also compose concert music. Shelter is a piece for flute, clarinet, trumpet, violin, vibraphone, and piano. Click here to view the score.